AERO Conferences

Wednesday, 19. April 2023

Avioresort & Marine Hydrobases

What opportunities and synergies Swan Seaplanes Sustainable Water Aerodrome Network

19. April 2023
Conference Center West, Room Liechtenstein

 “Avioresort & Marine Hydrobases ”

What opportunities and synergies

Swan Seaplanes

 Sustainable Water Aerodrome Network

The role of marine seaports and minor airports as  “Avion Tourism airports” for the development of eco-tourism and food & wine in Europe

Provisional guidelines and draft planning subject to change



General and recreational aviation has experienced a very rapid development in recent years. This development has fostered the diffusion of private airstrips throughout Italy and Europe. In the last ten years the number of private tracks, mainly to support 

accommodation facilities (hotels, restaurants, golf courses, farm holidays) has increased by 152%  and there are around 75.000 new pilots.

Many of these airfields and minor airport infrastructures can be gathered in a unique network of seaplane bases with simple piers located in the touristic ports, offering a new intermodal and sustainable transport service consisting of amphibious seaplane 

converting them in  “Touristic Aviation Ports” equipped to serve the territory in a renewed legislative framework able to regulate the requirements and ways to operate the services. The main scope is to create  a pole of attraction for air tourism at European level to support the tourist competitiveness and connect remote areas.


Avi resort & Seaplane base resort ” is the program  Italian Maritime Aviation, in collaboration with …….., taking into account what has been done so far,  proposes and communicate to make this idea real. This meeting represents the first moment of discussion between Operators and Institutions to share and promote the Project


“Seaplane bases aim to create a specialized network (knowledge and business) functional to the new ways to intend the transport (VLA: Very Light Airport) which interprets and designs a new territorial geography of productivity and knowledge.”


“According to an integrated organization, minor airports and marine seaplane bases can become real places of intermodal exchange for tourism, for the leisure time of the resident populations, for local and tourist mobility. …

The possibility of expansion and introduction of Very Light Water Aerodromes in Italy encourages and accelerates General Aviation and recreational and sports aviation more and more to settle on Hydrosurfaces and Hydrobases.

Promotion and Organization

Content and Speakers

(Provisional order and indicative contents)


Dott. Orazio Frigino – President Aviazione Marittima Italiana

 “Circuito Idroscali ”  

Contents , methods of development and implementation”



Problems relating to land use for aviation tourism landings in the framework of regional and municipal planning legislation - Possibility/need to prepare legislative guidelines for the regulation of land use for aviation tourism airports and connections


Europa Light Airport Network

The "Light Airports" as a solution for opening up to ULM traffic and an opportunity to support the development and competitiveness of tourism in weak remote areas

Methods and operational suggestions for the relaunch of seaplane bases - Use of minor ports and airports for intermodal transport with amphibious seaplanes


Contents of the proposal for the establishment of "Light Airports" as an intermediate level between airfields, hydrosurfaces and national and transnational airports                  


Italian National Tourism  Entity (ENIT) 

Civila Aviation National Entity (ENAC)

Port Authorities 

Port Captaincy



Legislative spaces for a policy of valorisation and development of aviation tourism airports.

Guidelines of the Department for the Development and Competitiveness of Tourism for the revitalization of the sector's economy.


ENIT’s role


Communication and promotion initiatives for the development of seaports and airfields on a European scale.


ENAC’s role 


Solutions for greater circulation permeability and separation of the approach circuits of seaplanes operating on marine hydro surfaces close to an airport or cargo and cruise ports.


Port Capatincy’s role 


Development and harmonization of hydro ports and Marine hydro surfaces in the framework of the current legislation of the navigation code on stretches of water for the take-off and ditching of seaplanes, ENAC regulation of 2006 general aviation and Law 133 for sporting pleasure flying.


Organizational modalities for the realization of the project - Possibility of setting up a permanent European observatory.


Establishment and development of hydro surfaces for the connection of seaside resorts “SWAN SEAPLANES” project: experiences and proposals for connection between hydro surfaces of ………


ENIT – Italian National Tourism  Entity

FISAM - Italian Federation of Structures for Italian Maritime Aviation

FIVI – Italian VoloIdro Federation

ELWAN – Etalian Light Water Aerodromo Network


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