AERO Conferences

Thursday, 20. April 2023

EASA Info session

  • GA Roadmap update
  • Part 21 Light - Novelties and Nuances
20. April 2023
Conference Center West, Room Schweiz
  • GA Roadmap update

Do not miss this important session during which we will update you on the GA Roadmap activities:  what has been achieved in 2022, what are the strategic priorities, what are the safety challenges and what is the forward programme of work to ensure a safe and sustainable future for GA.


  • Part 21 Light - Novelties and Nuances

EASA is organising a dedicated information session on Part 21 Light to provide interested stakeholders with more details about the Part 21 Light concept. Part 21 Light will offer manufacturers an alternative means to obtain a type certificate and in addition, for a certain scope of aircraft, even to declare compliance without EASA verification. EASA will soon publish the Acceptable Means of Compliance (AMC) and Guidance Material (GM) for Part 21 Light which will become applicable in August 2023. This session is aimed at manufacturers of aeroplanes, sailplanes, rotorcraft and balloons that are primarily used for sports and recreational usage that are interested in using Part 21 Light when it becomes applicable.


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Phone:   +49 7541 708-5887
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