AERO Conferences

Wednesday, 19. April 2023

Advanced automotive solutions as enabler for aerospace

Zero emission mobility as a common goal across the industries - whether on the road, in the air or in space - motivates us to develop advanced engineering and manufacturing solutions for the future. We believe that it is key to utilize synergies across these industries to speed up and to enable the technological transition. 

We will focus on areas for potential industry synergies like the variation of powertrains, manufacturing services, automotive based semiconductors and advanced engineering expertise. 

Speaker: Christian Grim, Bosch

19. April 2023
Conference Center East, Room Berlin

Topic Teaser:

  • Alternative powertrain solutions eg. H2 engine and Fuel-Cell applications based on automotive technology.
  • Additive manufacturing "Build2Print" services by applying laser powder bed fusion of metal.
  • How Silicon carbide can boost the technological transition for aerospace applications.
  • Origify, an innovative anti-counterfeit alternative with an effective tracing system to control frauds in OEM manufacturing and replacement part market.
  • Digital engineering across sectors.


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